Tutankhamun and the Daughter of Ra

Egyptian Sequence #3

Ankhesenamun has never been safe in all her short life - not even with her beloved husband and half brother Tutankhamun. Daughter of the Pharaoh Akhenaten and the fabled Nefertiti, and married at one time to her father, Ankhesenamun is made to marry Tutankhamun by the powerful General Horemheb at a time of bitter political and religious division - she is the delicate link between scheming factions. But on the death of her husband, Ankhesenamun is forced into one last extraordinary and desperate bid for life and happiness...

Booko found 12 book editions

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Aug, 2020

Sep, 2018

Sep, 2018

Jan, 2003

Jan, 2003

Jan, 2003

Jan, 1997

United Kingdom Apr, 2004

Jan, 2003

Jan, 2003

United Kingdom Aug, 1990

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