
Dirk Pitt #10

Adventurer Dirk Pitt matches wits with a group of Japanese nationalist extremists out to establish a new empire as he races against time to recover an atomic bomb lost in the Pacific aboard a B-29 during World War II.

Booko found 86 book editions

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Jun, 2020

Jun, 2020

Jun, 2020
New: $53.99

Jan, 2020

Nov, 2019
New: $22.54

Used: $18.39
Jan, 2017
New: $11.99

Jan, 2015
New: $16.03

Sep, 2014

Feb, 2014

Feb, 2011

Used: $31.08
Sep, 2010
New: $29.71

Used: $12.51
Jan, 2010

Jul, 2009
New: $38.76

Jan, 2008

Used: $30.51
Oct, 2006

Jan, 2006

Jan, 2006

Sep, 2004

Used: $35.74
Jan, 2002

Used: $38.19
Jul, 2001
New: $60.58

Used: $51.85

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