Planet of the Apes

A chilling dystopian vision of the ultimate role reversal, a cult hit since the 1960s.In a spaceship that can travel at the speed of light, Ulysse, a journalist, sets off from Earth for the nearest solar system. He finds there a planet which resembles his own, but on Soror humans behave like animals, and are hunted by a civilised race of primates. Captured and sent to a research facility, Ulysse must convince the apes of their mutual origins. But such revelations will have always been greeted by prejudice and fear...

Booko found 32 book editions

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May, 2012

May, 2012

United Kingdom Jun, 2011

Jul, 2001

Jun, 2001

Jun, 2000

Feb, 1991

Jun, 1989

Nov, 1985

Jan, 1975

Mar, 1968

Jun, 1963

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