The ten things I wish all parents knew: about their child's mental health

Cover Art for 9781761345838, The ten things I wish all parents knew: about their child's mental health by Dr Billy Garvey
ISBN: 9781761345838
Published: 9 July, 2024
Format: Paperback
1 other edition of this product

Every parent wants their child to have good mental health, and leading developmental paediatrician and host of the 'Pop Culture Parenting' podcast Dr Billy Garvey is here to help. Children of all ages are grappling with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and behavioural issues ,and it can take years to see an expert who can help them. Dr Billy Garvey is a senior specialist at one of the world's biggest and most prestigious paediatric hospitals. With over twenty years' experience working with families, he wants to reassure parents that there is no such thing as a bad child and that much of what he tells families in clinic is based on the same principles he outlines in this book. Regardless of whether you have a young child or a teen on the brink of adulthood, by understanding the foundations of good mental health, you will be able to help them to thrive at any stage in their development.

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