Starship Alchemon

Cover Art for 9780857668172, Starship Alchemon by Christopher Hinz
ISBN: 9780857668172
Publisher: ROH
Published: 12 November, 2019
Format: Paperback
Language: English
3 other editions of this product

Deep-space action and a threat to all humanity, by the award-winning author ofLiege-Killerand The Paratwa Saga. Far from Earth, the AI-guided vesselAlchemondiscovers a bizarre creature whose malignant powers are amplified by the presence of LeaMarsa de Host, a gifted but troubledPsionic.The ship is soon caught in a maelstrom of psychic turbulence that drives one crewmember insane and frees the creature from its secure containment. Now Captain Ericho Solorzano and the survivors must fight for their lives against a shrewd enemy that not only can attack them physically, emotionally and intellectually, but which seeks control of their sentient ship as a prelude to a murderous assault on the human species. File Under-Science Fiction Deep Space Isolation | Monster on Spaceship | Psychic Powers | All-powerful Sentient AI

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